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【资源】[分享] 原版英文电子书《MicroRNA Protocols》
来自 : 发布时间:2025-03-10
1. The MicroRNA: Overview of the RNA Gene That Modulates Gene Functions2. Structure Analysis of MicroRNA Precursors3. MicroRNA Biogenesis: Isolation and Characterization of the Microprocessor Complex4. Recognition and Cleavage of Primary MicroRNA Transcripts5. Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells as a Model Genetic System to Dissect and Exploit the RNA Interference Machinery6. MicroRNAs and Messenger RNA Turnover7. Prediction of MicroRNA Targets8. Prediction of Human MicroRNA Targets9. Complications in Mammalian MicroRNA Target Prediction10. miRBase:The MicroRNA Sequence Database11. Methodologies for High-Throughput Expression Profiling of MicroRNAs12. In Situ Hybridization as a Tool to Study the Role of MicroRNAs in Plant Development13. Usefulness of the Luciferase Reporter System to Test the Efficacy of siRNA14. Cloning MicroRNAs From Mammalian Tissues15. Methods for Analyzing MicroRNA Expression and Function During Hematopoietic Lineage Differentiation16. Identifying MicroRNA Regulators of Cell Death in Drosophila17. MicroRNAs in Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1 Infection18. Cloning and Detection of HIV-1-Encoded MicroRNA19. Identification of Messenger RNAs and MicroRNAs Associated With Fragile X Mental Retardation Protein20. In Vitro Precursor MicroRNA Processing Assays Using Drosophila Schneider-2 Cell Lysates21. Downregulation of Human Cdc6 Protein Using a Lentivirus RNA Interference Expression Vector22. Gene Silencing In Vitro and In Vivo Using Intronic MicroRNAs23. Isolation and Identification of Gene-Specific MicroRNAs24. Transgene-Like Animal Models Using Intronic MicroRNAs25. Evolution of MicroRNAs26. Perspectives没耐性发下去了!总共要28个附件,每次只能发一个,而且还要相隔30秒,这个设置太不合理了,发一个帖子还不累死!给个链接大家自己下吧,我就是在这里下的http://bbs.bbioo.com/thread-36078-1-2.html编辑:wudihero007

本文链接: http://biogenes.immuno-online.com/view-1551633096.html

发布于 : 2025-03-10 阅读()